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Номер в базе: 13710

Gym Membership Card Box

A box containing 1 Gym Membership Card.
A membership card at a training facility that helps you increase your strength.
This card will grant you an one time access to training, just show it to the trainer NPC.
A visit will increase your skill level by 1 boosting your weight capacity by 200 per level,
To a maximum of level 10. Increase Carrying Weight skill has 10 levels, and once learned,
It is permanent. However, it is reset once you transcend. After you transcend,
Re-visit the NPC that teaches this ability to learn this back for free at the level you had
Before you transcended. You can level this one at a time.
Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
Вес : 1

Цена покупки: 20


getitem 7776,10;

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