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Ivory Lance

A Spear created from the Mammonths Fang. It''s very hard hence hard to use but, since the end of the spear isn''t sharp, its better to just pierce people with it then cut with it.
AGI + 2, ASPD + 3%
Causes Bleeding effect to enemies or Level 1 Joint Beat on enemy when attacking.
Enables use of Level 5 Spear Stab.
Класс : Spear
Атака : 160
Вес : 100
Уровень оружия : 3
Требуемый уровень : 50
Профессия : Trans Swordman Class

Количество слотов: 1

Цена покупки: 20


bonus bAgi,2; bonus bAspdRate,3; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"LK_JOINTBEAT",1,100; skill "KN_SPEARSTAB",5;

Выпадает из:

Hardrock Mammoth100%

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