Ïîèñê ïðåäìåòîâ â áàçå äàííûõ ñåðâåðà
Ïîèñê ïî ID:
Íîìåð â áàçå: 16544
Snowman Hat BoxA box containing 1 snow man hat.
A hat that is a constant reminder of the Winter season.
Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +3,
Increases resistance to Water property by 7%.
When killing monsters, has a low chance of dropping Buche De Noel or Candy Canes.
When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance of activating Lv 1 Frost Joker.
If refined to8, activates Lv 5 Frost Joker.
Êëàññ: Ãîëîâíîé óáîð
Çàùèòà: 4
Ðàñïîëîæåíèå: Upper
Âåñ: 30
Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü: 1
Ïðîôåññèÿ: Âñå ïðîôåññèè
This item is excluded from subscription withdrawal or refund.
Âåñ: 1
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
A hat that is a constant reminder of the Winter season.
Str +1, Int +1, Mdef +3,
Increases resistance to Water property by 7%.
When killing monsters, has a low chance of dropping Buche De Noel or Candy Canes.
When dealing physical or magical damage, has a low chance of activating Lv 1 Frost Joker.
If refined to8, activates Lv 5 Frost Joker.
Êëàññ: Ãîëîâíîé óáîð
Çàùèòà: 4
Ðàñïîëîæåíèå: Upper
Âåñ: 30
Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü: 1
Ïðîôåññèÿ: Âñå ïðîôåññèè
This item is excluded from subscription withdrawal or refund.
Âåñ: 1
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
getitem 5738,1;