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Номер в базе: 18539
Skull Cap

Matk +2%
If refined to +5 or higher, adds an additional Matk +3%.
If refined to +7 or higher, adds an additional Matk +3%.
Special Effect:
If equipped in combination with Elven Ears[0], decreases the SP cost of skills by 3%.
If equipped in combination with Evil Bone Wand[0], each refine on the weapon adds Matk +10. If the Bone Wand[0] is refined to +10, reduces cast time of skill by 10%.
If equipped in combination with Thorn Staff of Darkness[0], each refine on the weapon adds Matk +10. If the Thorn Staff of Darkness[0] is refined to +10, reduces cast time of skills by 10%.
Класс: Головной убор
Защита: 5
Расположение: Верх
Вес: 40
Требуемый уровень: 10
Job: All
Количество слотов: 1
Цена покупки: 40
bonus bMatkRate,2; if(getrefine() >= 5) { bonus bMatkRate,3; } if(getrefine() >= 7) { bonus bMatkRate,3; }