Ïîèñê ïðåäìåòîâ â áàçå äàííûõ ñåðâåðà
Ïîèñê ïî ID:
Íîìåð â áàçå: 1924
Battlefield GuitarA guitar which is created to encourage their armies in the battle.
It looks useful for battles against humanoids.
Dex + 2
Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 95%.
Increases ''Arrow Vulcan'' damage by 20%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Êëàññ : Musical Instrument
Àòàêà : 50
Âåñ : 0
Óðîâåíü îðóæèÿ : 3
Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü : 80
Ïðîôåññèÿ : Bard
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
It looks useful for battles against humanoids.
Dex + 2
Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 95%.
Increases ''Arrow Vulcan'' damage by 20%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Êëàññ : Musical Instrument
Àòàêà : 50
Âåñ : 0
Óðîâåíü îðóæèÿ : 3
Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü : 80
Ïðîôåññèÿ : Bard
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
bonus bDex,2; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CG_ARROWVULCAN",20; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;