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Staff of Destruction

Two handed staff that seems to be possesing a tremendous power. The owner of the staff has to have a strong spiritual strength to use this staff properly.
MATK + 280, INT + 3, AGI + 10
Reduces casting time of Amplify Magic by 50%.
Refinement in multiples of 2 (+2, +4, +6, +8, +10) increases MATK by 1%.
SP taken by all skills will increase depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
Small chance to cast Level 5 Jupitel Thunder whenever you are attacked physically. This chance depends on the refinement rate of this weapon.
Класс : Two-handed Staff
Атака : 130
Вес : 250
Элемент : Neutral
Уровень оружия : 4
Требуемый уровень : 80
Профессия : High Wizard

Количество слотов: 1

Цена покупки: 20


bonus bMatkRate,25+getrefine()/2; bonus bInt,3; bonus bAgi,10; bonus bUseSPrate,(getrefine()*2); bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_JUPITEL",5,(getrefine()*20); bonus2 bCastrate,366,-50;

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