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Номер в базе: 2369
Freya's Clothes

The coat of the queen ''Freyja'',protected by frozen power.
Reduces damage from DemiHuman monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item. Indestructible.
[Freya''s Clothes & Freya''s Boots & Freya''s Manteau & Freya''s Crown Equip Set]
Reduce 10% damage taken from DemiHuman monster.
Enables use of Level 10 Frost Nova.
Maximum HP + 20%.
Класс : Armor
Защита : 12
Вес : 50
Профессия : Все профессии кроме новичков
bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10;