Ïîèñê ïðåäìåòîâ â áàçå äàííûõ ñåðâåðà
Ïîèñê ïî ID:
Íîìåð â áàçå: 4491
Sealed Sniper CardAdds 5% chance of absorbing 10% of the physical damage inflicted on an enemy by the wearer as HP, but also reduces HP Recovery by 100%.
If compounded equipment is refined to +15 and above, 5% chance of absorbing 10% of the physical damage inflicted on an enemy by the wearer as HP,
Êëàññ: Card
Âñòàâëÿåòñÿ â : Îðóæèå
Âåñ: 1
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
If compounded equipment is refined to +15 and above, 5% chance of absorbing 10% of the physical damage inflicted on an enemy by the wearer as HP,
Êëàññ: Card
Âñòàâëÿåòñÿ â : Îðóæèå
Âåñ: 1
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
bonus bHPrecovRate,-100; bonus2 bHpDrainRate,50,((getrefine()>14)?15:10);