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Номер в базе: 4606
Grudge of Royal Knight Card

Gain 20 SP each time an enemy is killed by Physical Melee Attack. Each 2 refine adds 1 SP gain.
Drain 444 SP as the garment is unequipped.
If the user is equipped with an armor compounded to Agony of Royal Knight Card, increase resistance to neutral property attack by 20%, Flee+20, drain 100 HP and 6 SP every 6 seconds.
Класс : Карта
Вставляется в : Garment
Вес : 1
Цена покупки: 20
bonus bMaxSPrate,-44; bonus bSPGainValue,20+(getrefine()/2);

Выпадает из:
Undead Knight | 0,5% |