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Capricon Diadem

Attached to the crown is a Garnet gemstone, the birthstone for those born under this sign.
DEX + 2, MDEF + 5
Add a 5% resistance against Earth Property monsters.
If refined to 7 or higher, INT + 2.
If refined to 8 or higher, decreases casting time by 3%.
If refined to 9 or higher, increases the effectiveness of Heal and Sanctuary skills by 4%.
If refined to 10 or higher, when attacked, has a low chance of autocasting Lv 5 Hammer Fall.
Класс : Головной убор
Защита : 3
Расположение : Верх
Вес : 30
Требуемый уровень : 1
Профессия : Все профессии
Количество слотов: 1
Цена покупки: 20
bonus bDex,2; bonus bMdef,5;