Ïîèñê ïðåäìåòîâ â áàçå äàííûõ ñåðâåðà
Ïîèñê ïî ID:
Íîìåð â áàçå: 5777
Remover Hat "A replica of the helmet worn by firemen.
"Not as durable as the real firemen''s helmet.
"MDEF + 1
"Drops [Empty Bottle], [Ditrimindexta], [Karvodailnirol] in certain rate when defeating Neutral monsters.
"Unable to Refine
"Êëàññ : Ãîëîâíîé óáîð
"Çàùèòà : 2
"Ðàñïîëîæåíèå : Âåðõ
"Âåñ : 80
"Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü : 30
"Ïðîôåññèÿ : Âñå ïðîôåññèè
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
"Not as durable as the real firemen''s helmet.
"MDEF + 1
"Drops [Empty Bottle], [Ditrimindexta], [Karvodailnirol] in certain rate when defeating Neutral monsters.
"Unable to Refine
"Êëàññ : Ãîëîâíîé óáîð
"Çàùèòà : 2
"Ðàñïîëîæåíèå : Âåðõ
"Âåñ : 80
"Òðåáóåìûé óðîâåíü : 30
"Ïðîôåññèÿ : Âñå ïðîôåññèè
Öåíà ïîêóïêè: 20
bonus bMdef,1;