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Magical Stone

All third class job changes require [1 Reset Stone] or VIP Status on the account.
This item will be tradeable and vendable from June 9th - June 21st 2011
Sam Status is accepting Reset Stones to reset your stat points.
You can find him in Payon around 180 115.
Reset Stones Required per level:
Base Lvl 1~ 40 [1 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 41 ~ 70 [2 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 71 ~ 90 [3 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 91 ~ 110 [4 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 111 ~ 125 [5 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 126 ~ 140 [6 Reset Stone]
Base Lvl 141 ~ 150 [7 Reset Stone]
Вес: 0
Цена покупки: 20