Квест Attitude to the New World (13.1) - Отношение к Новому Миру

1. Поговорите с Rumis Block (mid_camp 188, 254), он скажет вам, что ненавидит Новый Мир и свою работу.

2. Поговорите с Camp Guard (mid_camp 336,171). Вы не должны помогать Diego с почтой или доставкой последней посылки в квесте in the New Surroundings. Убейте монстра Nepenthes и принесите Strong Vine , чтобы Rumis сделал этих монстров не такими страшными.
Примечание: если вы взяли квесты, требующие путешествия в Новый Мир, вы должны сначала завершить их.

3. Вернитесь к Rumis Block с 1 Strong Vine , он поблагодарит вас и попросит дальнейшей помощи. Ему требуются некоторые предметы, чтобы создать образец Nepenthes.
1 Empty Bottle
5 Holy Water
30 Sticky Mucus

4. Rumis просит вас доставить образец его брату Terris Block в (mid_camp 240, 270).

5. After some conversation, Terris asks you to talk to 30 or so of the pretty girls to the west.
Kill 30 Pinguicula.

6. Once the Pinguicula have been dispatched, Terris tells you that Cornus have been destroying his climate monitors. Has asks to to teach them a lesson.
Kill 10 Cornus.

7. Return to Terris, He tells you he suspects the land to the west is cultivated. He hands you a Decaying Stem and asks you to meet him near the mushroom west of the bridge.

8. Walk over the end of the bridge and he will appear. Talk to him and plant the Decaying Stem in the dirt (mid_camp 52, 148).

9. After the Sprout comes to life talk to Terris again. Terris asks you to inform Rumis of his success.

10. Rumis has already heard, and strives to make his own discovery. Rumis asks you to meet him at the end of the east bridge to escort him to study a one of the new species.

11. Walk past (man_fild01 55, 259), and Rumis tells you to head towards the tree slightly southeast.

12. Talk to the Frozen Tree (man_fild01 92, 229), Rumis climbed the tree because monsters were looking at him. He asks you to hunt 20 Horn of Hillslion .

13. Return to the tree with 20 horn. Rumis sees nothing particularly interesting about them, but he has gained the confidence to come to his tree alone next time. He asks you to talk to him back at the camp.

14. Lumis heard about someone being attacked to the east, he asks you to go investigate if the natives are hostile.
Kill 10 Tatacho.

15. Return to Rumis, he thanks your for your help.
This marks the end of the displayed quests, and you gain 100,000 Base EXP.

16. Дополнительно, если вы дадите Rumis 1 Horn of Tendrilion вы получите еще 100,000 базового опыта. Это конец квеста.
Примечание: Этот последний шаг должен быть завершен, если вы используете этот квест как требование квеста Нового Мира.

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